To ensure greater safety for our children, we thought it would be helpful to remind you about our school’s driveway procedures.
- Please do NOT enter the front driveway during the following drop-off and pick-up times:
- 8:30 – 9:00 am;
- 3:30 – 4:00 pm.
This area is to only be used by school buses, taxis, and school/board staff during these periods.
- If you feel you must accompany your child to the school yard, please park on the street so as not to obstruct the flow of school buses in the driveway. Please remember:
- There is plenty of legal parking on the street immediately around the school, including on Stan Gate;
- The City of Vaughan by-law officers frequently pay unannounced visits and patrol the area, issuing parking tickets to those who are double parked or park in the school fire truck lane;
- Arrive a few minutes earlier to ensure that there is plenty of time to park your vehicle and safely walk your child to and from school.
We would be grateful if you could inform any caregivers who bring and pick up your child/children to and from school of these procedures.