Welcome Back


Dear Parents and Guardians of St. John Bosco C.E.S., 

Toujours faire de son mieux! Be the best you can be!

Lord, our God, Today we come together with hearts full of gratitude and anticipation as we begin a new school year, embracing the possibilities, challenges, opportunities and blessings it holds. Let us pause to acknowledge the gift of God’s grace, that it shall illuminate our path for this upcoming year. The beginning of a new year gives us an opportunity to express our gratitude for the lessons we have learned, and to prepare our hearts for the path that lies ahead. Let us open our minds and hearts to receive the Lord’s wisdom, guidance and love as we embark on another school year journey together. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.


Welcome back to the 2024-2025  school year at St. John Bosco CES. As the school’s Interim Acting Principal, I am very excited to welcome all of our new students and families and to meet all of our new and returning students.

SJB staff has been working diligently to prepare for your child(ren)  return to school. For the first day parents will be allowed to enter the school yard to ensure their child is greeted by their teacher and is in the designated area for entry. Primary students will be meeting on the east side of the schoolyard, Junior students at the south side ( back of the school ) and Intermediate students on the west side of the school yard. Moving forward parents are encouraged to allow students to enter the yard on their own and can watch from the sidelines. 

  • On the first day of school, teachers will show their students where and how to line up in the school yard for the morning and recess entries . Our Grade 1 students will be dismissed at the end of the day from the Kindergarten pen. Students will be reminded to walk to the bus and avoid running. Staff will assist the bus students in developing a familiar routine. Your child from Grades 1- 3 will have a colour ribbon/bus sticker attached to their knapsack to indicate their bus route.  Parents please share the bus number with your child and the plan for their return home from school. Please be mindful parents when entering the Kiss n Ride area to drive cautiously and at NO TIME will cars be permitted to pass buses when loading or unloading. Vehicles are to use the Kiss and Ride and to NOT to leave their cars when dropping off or picking up their child(ren) unless they are parked in the parking lot. Let’s work together to ensure safety for all our students.
  • A reminder that cell phones are not to be used during the school day unless directed by the staff. Students are able to communicate with their parents via the main phone line available in the office.
  • Bus students please  view your route and rider information on www.schoolbuscity.com. If you have any concerns please contact the main office.

Please note our school’s hours: 

8:50 am to 9:30 am Period 1
9:30 am to 10:10 am Period 2
10:10 am – 10:25 am Morning Break (15)
10:25 am to 11:05 am  Period 3
11:05 am to 11:45 am Period 4
11:45 am – 12:15 pm Lunch (20 mins) + Break (40 mins)
12:45 pm to 1:25 pm Period 5
1:25 pm to 2:05 pm Period 6
2:05 pm – 2:20 pm Afternoon Break (15)
2:20 pm to 3:00 pm  Period 7
3:00 pm to 3:40 pm Period 8

A reminder that St. John Bosco  is a Standardized Dress school. Our standardized dress policy will be in full effect on the first day of school and will be enforced throughout the year. White/Navy/Black tops  and Black/Navy bottoms. Spirit wear will be permitted and available for purchase later on this month.

Looking forward to a wonderful start, thank you for entrusting your children to us. 

Yours in Partnership, 


Ms. J.  Bortolussi

Acting Principal