Dear Parents/Guardians,
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Joeanne Bortolussi and I will be the interim Acting Principal at St. John Bosco CES. I am a retired YCDSB Principal and I am looking forward to welcoming our students and staff back to school on Tuesday. Our staff is eager to provide an exceptional learning experience for our students and we are anticipating an incredible 2024-2025 academic school year . You will receive an email on Monday indicating your child’s classroom placement and other pertinent information you may need for the first day of school.
In alignment with the recently introduced Ministry of Education policy memorandum, the Provincial Code of Conduct has been updated to address the use of cellphones and other personal mobile devices as outlined in PPM 128. These revisions are designed to restrict the use of all personal mobile devices during instructional time in both elementary and secondary classrooms in order to prevent distractions and maximize learning time.
Please be advised that we have an appropriate cell phone use policy at St. John Bosco CES. If your children bring their phone to school, they are not to be used during the instructional day (8:50 a.m – 3:40 p.m.). If you choose to send your child with their phones with them to school, the following rules will apply:
- Cell phones are to be off and invisible. They are not to be taken out or left to ring/vibrate in pockets or in desks.
- If a staff member sees a cell phone out or being used anytime during the school day, the educator will instruct the student to put the device away.
- If the educator sees the student using the device a second time, they will be sent to the office, the Principal will document the incident and give the student a warning and store the cell phone for the remainder of the day for the student to retrieve.
- If this continues, the device will be stored in the office, the parent/guardian will be contacted by the Principal, and the device will remain in the office for the remainder of the day. The device will only be returned to the parent or guardian.
- If this continues to happen, the device will have to be picked up by the parent or guardian each subsequent time and progressive discipline will be applied.
Personal mobile devices can be used during instructional time under the following circumstances:
- For educational purposes as directed by the educator in the classroom;
- For health and medical purposes (students with medical conditions are not required to obtain a physician’s note to be eligible for this exception; a note from a parent or guardian is sufficient.);
- To support special educational needs.
If you need to speak to your child during the school day, kindly contact the main office 905-850-3280. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to discuss these expectations with their children at home and to support school staff in upholding this policy.
Yours in Catholic Education,
Joeanne Bortolussi – Acting Principal
St. John Bosco CES